Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris | Ulangan Semester

Text 1

The Lion and The Mouse
It was a hot day and the lion laid fast asleep in the forest. Suddenly, a little mouse ran up to his nose. The lion woke up and caught the mouse in his paw.
"please let me go," begged the frightened mouse. "All right," said the lion. "But don't disturb me again." Then he let the little mouse free. "Thank you," the mouse said. "I'll never forget your kindness. I might even pay you back one day. "The lion only laughed. "How can a tiny mouse help me?" he thought. He rolled over and went back to sleep.
Some time later, the lion was caught in a net. He roared loudly. Deep in the forest, the little mouse heard him. "The lion is in trouble," it said. I must go and help him. "The mouse soon found the lion. It began to bite the ropes of the net. Its sharp teeth soon made a big hole in the net. Before long, the lion was out of the net.
"Thank you for saving my life, little mouse," said the king of the beasts. He felt so embar­rassed.

1.      What was the lion doing in the forest on that hot day?
  1. the lion was eating
  2. the lion was catching a mouse
  3. the lion was sleeping
  4. the lion was scratching its back
  5. the lion was running
2.      How did the mouse feel when the lion caught it?
  1. the mouse was frustrated
  2. the mouse was angry
  3. the mouse was proud
  4. the mouse was scared
  5. the mouse was sad
3.      Why did the lion roar loudly some time later?
  1. the lion was hungry
  2. the lion was caught
  3. the lion was tired
  4. the lion was sleepy
  5. the lion was muddy
4.      How did the mouse free the lion?
  1. The mouse gnawed the ropes of the net.
  2. The mouse pulled the ropes of the net.
  3. The mouse tore the ropes of the net
  4. The mouse cut the ropes of the net.
  5. The mouse created a hole in the net.

5.      What kind of text is this?

a.       descriptive
b.      narrative
c.       report
d.      spoof
e.       descriptive

6.      What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
  1. the lion was in trouble
  2. the lion ate the mouse
  3. the lion freed the mouse
  4. the mouse was happy
  5. the mouse die

7.      Which word in the passage tells you that the lion was wrong about the mouse?

a.       the lion let the mouse free
b.      the lion is in trouble
c.       the mouse help the lion free
d.      the lion save the mouse's life
e.       the mouse begged the lion free

ext 2
  PRIMA                                                   :
Jl. Dr. Sumardi 22 Surakarta
Phone:+62 271 788148 Fax:+62 747720   
With comfortable services
Http: / /
Prima International Hotel

45 luxurious rooms
bar & restaurant 24 hours
pool side bar
swimming pool with warm water
cold & hot water
airline service
free car washing
convention & meeting rooms laundry/dry cleaning, drug stone
IDD telephone, TV parabola
Free transfer
Beauty par lour
Just 10 minutes drive from the Airport and 5 minutes from the Solo railway station

8.      The social function of the above text is .....
  1. To explain the readers how to come to this hotel.
  2. To persuade the readers to visit the hotel.
  3. To persuade the readers to spend the night at the hotel.
  4. To tell the readers that there is a good hotel nearby.
  5. To entertain-the reader with the pleasure text
9.      The text above belongs to part of .....
a.   Description                  d.   Orientation
b.   Identification               e.    resolution
c.   Elaboration
10.  The above text is using the following features, except.....
  1. Classifiers in nominal groups
  2. Focus on specific matter
  3. Use of simple past tense
  4. Use of the simple present tense
  5. Use identifying process

11.  You can reserve room in this hotel by...., except.... .
  1. Sending a conventional letter
  2. Directly coming to the hotel
  3. Asking information about facilities
  4. Taxi
  5. Through the manager
12.  How much should you pay if you want to have your car washed?
  1. Free transfer
  2. Free of charge
  3. It depends on the condition of your car
  4. It includes in the facilities
  5. It free at the first
13.  I like him very much. He is the .... man          I have ever met.
  1. Kinder                         d.   most kind
  2. Kindest                        e.   kindness
  3. Kind

Text 3
A Brave Act
Tommy Yeo, a year-two student from Thomson Secondary School, is the youngest person in Singapore to be commended by the Police for his act of public spirit. He was presented with Certificate and a hamper by the Commissioner of Police.
The 14-year old student was visiting his uncle's stationary shop in Bishan neighborhoods shopping area on one busy Saturday afternoon. As usual, the walkway was crowded with shoppers and suddenly he heard a lady creaming "Robber!
After a while, he saw a rather skinny lady chasing after a stoutly built man zoomed past his uncle's shop. He remembered that was the man, who he saw loitering aimlessly around the area, for a while.
The lady on high heel shoes sprained her ankles and fell on the floor with a lud 'thud', "Oh my god! Said Tommy, "She must have hurt badly. There were some people already attending to the victim. Without hesitation Tommy started to chase after the man who tried desperately to shake him off his trail. Coincidently, two policemen on foot patrol saw the incident and joined in the chase. The culprit was finally subdued, handcuffed and taken away to police station together with the handbag as court exhibit. The victim and Tommy were also requested to report to the police station to give evidences to the police.
While at the police station, an officer said, "You are very lucky, this man is wanted for a series of theft and robbery cases. He is armed and extremely dangerous."
Later when asked by his uncle Tommy said, "I feel very scared when I learned that the man is a wanted as dangerous criminal."

14.  What kind of writing is this?
a.         Procedure text        d.   Recount text
b.      Spoof text               e.    News item text
c.       Narrative text
15.  What is the main idea of paragraph 5?
a.       The victim and Tommy gave evidence to the police.
b.      The thief was caught by the two policemen
c.       The main idea of paragraph 5 is to illustrate how the culprit was apprehended
d.      The handbag was returned to the victim.
e.       The police commended the thief.
16.  The passage uses mostly ....
  1. Present tense
  2. Past participles
  3. Simple past tense
  4. Past continuous tense
  5. Present continuous tense
17.  What does the word "zoomed" mean in para­graph 3?
a.   Device of a camera
 b.   Move quickly
 c.   Fly swiftly
d.       Shuttle
e.       aim
18.  Who was the victim in paragraph 4?
a.       Tommy
b.      The stoutly built man
c.       No one was victimize
d.      The skinny lady who was robbed
e.       The culprit was the victim because he was subdued
19.  Why the did, police officer tell Tommy that he was lucky?
a.   because he was a robber
b.   because die thief was stoutly built man
 c.   because he is a criminal
 d.   because the thief was armed and dangerous
  1. because the thief has no mercy

20.  Marta     : Tin, where are you staying?
Tina       : At Quality hotel.
Marta asked Tina ....
a.       where she was staying
b.      where did she stay
c.       where does she stay
d.      where had she stayed
21.  "Is Pandu coming to the party tonight?" "Yes, he asked me ....."
a.   if he could go with us
 b.  Can he go with us?
 c.  He went with us
 d.  Going with us
e.     whether he goes with us.
22.  The tourist asked me ...
a.       Where the nearest bank is
b.      The nearest bank
c.       Where is the nearest bank  
d.      Which the nearest bank is
e.       That is the nearest bank
23.  "The stewardess is now serving to the passen­gers." The passive form of the above sentence is....
a.   the passengers are serving coffee now
b.      the passengers are now served coffee
c.       coffee is now served by the passengers
d.      coffee is now being served to the passengers
e.       coffee is now served to the passengers
24.  I am still waiting.... for an interview.
a.     To be called                  d.   To call
b.     Be called                      e.    called
c.      Be calling
25.  Why does the baby next door keep crying? As usual, it.... by the baby sitter,
a.       is neglecting                  
b.      is neglected                 
c.       neglects
d.      is to be neglected
e.       is to neglect
